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Strategy & Planning Techniques

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Adaptation Innovation Theory

The best companies know when to "innovate" and when to "adapt".

Adaptive Enterprise

Move faster and survive longer in tough markets.

Aggregate Demand

Train your managers to understand the wider economic situation - know when falling incomes could affect your sales

Armstrong’s Model of the Employee Lifecycle

The employee lifecycle model consists of 6 stages: attraction, recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, and separation. Supporting employees at each stage boosts productivity, reduces turnover, and strengthens your employer brand, while separating on good terms can have a positive longer-term impact.

Asset Building to Support Innovation Opportunity

Don't leave innovation to chance - be more profitable by putting the right people and resources in place

Asymmetric Information

Be more informed about negotiations and business transactions - understand your advantages and weaknesses

Authority, Autocracy, Autonomy

Great businesses are led by great leaders - recruit for the right leadership style to drive outstanding results.


Find out how bringing services back in-house can save money.

Balanced Scorecard

Get a rounded view of performance, not just the financial numbers

Bayesian Analysis

A statistical approach to making sales improvement decisions


Make your business the best it can be by looking at what else is out there

Benefits Realisation

Benefits realisation in project management is the process of ensuring that the outcomes of a project deliver measurable value aligned with strategic objectives.

Big Data Analytics

Use your current data to drive higher profits and business performance while cutting costs.

Board Governance Value

For governance to add real value – allow time for debate and challenge, work towards timely closure and provide clarity on actions required.

Boston Consulting Group Matrix

A famous tool to separate your stars from your dogs

Bribery Act 2010

A key compliance issue particularly for sales people

Budgeting Processes

Good budgeting can be the difference between losing money and increasing value by up to 149%

Business Continuity Management / Business Continuity Planning

Make sure you're prepared for unexpected threats to your business

Business Cycle

Are boom and bust inevitable?

Business Innovation

Evolve your products and services to bring new opportunities for revenue and growth

Business Intelligence

Make better decisions about which customers to pursue, and how

Business Modelling

Understanding how each area your business works enables you to make better management decisions

Business Process Improvement

Your business costs can be streamlined and dramatically cheaper with the right process flow

Business Process Re-engineering

Radically rethinking how work gets done can dramatically improve performance

Business Valuation

There are several key techniques that are used to value a business. It is critical to be aware of them

Capability Management

Build “signature processes” that boost the bottom line and make it hard for your competitors to copy your success.

Capital Asset Pricing Model

How do you make sure your portfolio matches your risk appetite?

Cash Flow Statement and Management

Discounts can be negotiated and margins increased by 5%-10% with effective invoicing and payment flow

Centralisation / Decentralisation

Sales can increase 8% quickly by making the right centralise/decentralise decision

Change Agents

Change can make or break a company - make sure you've got the best person to lead you.

Change Leadership

The only constant is change; make sure you are equipped

Change Management

Change management can be hard; master the key success factors


Don't just think you know what your customers want - start generating higher profits by working together with customers on products and services


Savings of 30% could be on offer with the right co-sourcing decision

Coase Theorem

Understand how to reach efficient outcomes when disputes arise that could disrupt your business operations and profits

Coefficient of Elasticity

Learn how demand and price works in the market - position your business for growth and profitability

Commercial Intelligence

Turn what you know about your market into new business opportunities

Commercial Law

Commercial law governs all your transactions


Competitive Intelligence

Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer? Keep one step ahead by knowing what your competitors are doing

Configuration Management

Configuration management plays a pivotal role in the successful execution of projects by providing a systematic approach to identifying, controlling, and managing the evolving elements of a project's configuration.

Consolidated Planning

Consolidated planning in project management integrates scope, schedule, budget, risk, quality, and resources into a cohesive strategy.

Consumption Expenditure

Be informed about consumer spending to make quicker, better business decisions

Contingency Theory of Leadership

Great leaders aren't always born - learn how to develop your leaders to drive profitability and boost customer engagement.

Continuous Improvement

If you are not doing things better your competition will be. You can lose at least 20% sales if you do not keep offering more to your customers


Smart companies work together to save money on some shared costs - but still stay fiercely competitive in other areas.

Core Competencies

Focus on what you do really well and put that at the heart of your growth strategy

Corporate Social Responsibility

A very effective way to make your business stand out from competitors

Corporate Sustainability

This concept explores the different ways in which Corporate Sustainability is defined and provides an account of success factors and business evidence.

Corporate/Organisational Culture

Big businesses make £Millions extra by getting more performance and better new ideas from their workers

Cost-to-Serve Model

Add 1.7% to your margin by understanding your most and least profitable customers


Crisis Management

Before catastrophe strikes, know your Business Continuity Plan

Cross-Functional Supply Management

Improve your responsiveness to customers by joining up your internal teams

Customer Centric International Shared Services

Maximise customer centricity - co-design services with key stakeholders to achieve excellence in service provision across international boundaries.

Customer-driven Strategy

Growth and profits need a relentless focus on customer needs - learn how to win out where other companies fail

Data Warehousing and Data Mining in Business

Get new insights into your customers and make smarter business decisions.

Decision Support Systems

Use technologies to make faster, smarter decisions that can really drive business results, growth and profitability

Decision Trees

Decision trees can help you to evaluate your strategic options

Demand Curve

Be more profitable and grow your business - make sure your products are in demand and that customers pay the best price

Demand-pull Inflation

Learn why demand for your goods and services can outstrip supply - and what it means for your business


Unlock financial benefits by breaking-up your business.

Deming Wheel

Achieve 10 - 20% process improvements by regularly applying the PDCA cycle

Diamond Theory of Competitive Advantage

Thinking of international expansion? Here's a tool to help assess the options


Be different. Get it right and you could achieve up to 66% market share like Red Bull

Diminishing Returns

Understanding diminishing returns helps you to allocate your resources to tasks in the most productive way

Discounted Cash Flow

Take a hard headed look at the real value of your potential investments


New products and markets offer new revenue streams - learn how to identify and seize these opportunities

Division of Labour

Speed up production; get your products to market quicker.


If you need to downsize, do it well

Due Diligence

Know what you are really buying or selling, and with who, with due diligence


Your business could generate many mutliples more revenue by maximising your online capabalities


It is essential that your online presence reflects your business well. Do it right

Economic Cost

All decisions have an opportunity cost

Economic Value Added

EVA gives you an investor's view of the profit and value in your business

Economies of Scale and Scope

Operate at the right size and in the right ways to achieve the best value for money

Emergent Change

Planned or not, change will happen in, and outside your organisation - understand this to stay on track

Empowering Employees

Your staff will work harder and be more loyal if they feel trusted and able to make some of their own decisions

Enabling Private Cloud

Add value with private cloud – allow users to access what they need.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Save time and money using ERP - take the next step to better business performance.


Identify and exploit new ideas effectively

Exit Strategies

Before you get in to a contract, know how you will get out when the time comes

Financial Reporting Requirements

Make sure that your financial reports follow all current rules and regulations


Five Forces Analysis / Framework

Understand the forces that drive profit, and make sure your business is equipped to conquer them

Flat / Horizontal Organisation

Reducing the number of managers even in a small company can have a positive effect on business performance and results


Accurate forecasting is essential and will focus your business on achieving its potential

Foreign Direct Investment

Win-win: take advantage of profitable expansion abroad, or build profitable relationships with investors at home.

Forward Integration

As your business grows it could have a long term profit impact to acquire other functions/companies associated with delivering your products or services


Around 92% of all UK franchisees reported profitability over the last 12 months - generate additional revenue using proven business formats

Game Theory

Become a strategic decision maker - learn how to build better relationships with customers to accelerate business growth.

Gearing Ratio

Learn how to grow your business for the long-term by maximising profit and minimising risk.

Global Procurement

Some of your materials may come from abroad, if so it is important to understand how best to manage this process

Global Strategy

Think big, think global, learn how to build a strategy for growth in today's globalised world.


Think Global and maximise your business potential


Businesses of all sizes with overseas customers need to understand local markets. Learn how to stay ahead of the curve in lucrative, emerging markets.

Green Logistics

Lower your business costs whilst being environmentally friendly

Gross Domestic Product

Understand what the most important economic indicator GDP, means for the growth and success of your business.

Group Purchasing Organisations

It costs less to buy in bulk. Can your business make substantial cost savings and improve bottom line performance?

Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration

Understand where there might be opportunities for your business to collaborate - it could be in similar or different areas

Human Capital

People are at the core of every business and this is critical to understand

Human Resource Based Theories of Strategy

Having good people in itself can drive value for your business

Improving Product Differentiation

Being different is essential to fulfil the sales potential of your business. Be sure to understand and exploit it

Improving Working Capital Management

The lifeblood of your business - keep on top of it at all times

Industry Life Cycle

Know what stage your industry is at, and choose the right strategy

Information Management

Be sure your business decisions are based on the right information

Innovation Capital

Learn how to protect your most important assets - future-proof your organisation to stay ahead of competitors

Innovation Diamond

Innovative companies generate more revenue, break new ground in the market, and have more satisfied, loyal customers.

Innovation Management

Innovate or die. You need to keep generating new ideas and value in your business to stay ahead. Understand how to make sure it happens and manage it


As your business grows it might be better to hire and retain key staff and competencies than buy from outside your company

Intellectual Capitalism

Your employees' know-how and ideas are often your greatest assets, manage and protect these to build a more profitable, enterprising business.

Intellectual Property Management

Protecting your big ideas is critical to success. Companies like IBM make up to 3,300% more by managing their Intellectual Property well

Internal Strategic Integration

When all business functions are aligned to the overall strategy the collective results are likely to improve


How to manage stock and inventory levels at the absolute minimum to keep working capital free


The original form of collaborating "companies". This approach can offer huge potential to smaller firms

Key Performance Indicators

You can't manage what you don't measure - get everyone performing at their best.

Kraljic Matrix

One of the dominant strategic tools guiding purchasing activities in organisations


All companies need to be led. If you understand what it entails your Company could be the next Apple

Lean Manufacturing / Production

Eliminating waste from your organisation can impact on your costs dramatically


A cashflow friendly way to getting some key assets for your business

Leasing vs. Purchasing Technology

Leasing gives you the latest technologies (before budgets allow), costs are predictable, and purchases can be offset against tax liabilities.


Reduce your risk and leverage the funds effectively and efficiently

Lifecycle System Approach

Being able to manage your products and services over their lifecycle is key for your business success

Linear Trend Forecasting

Forecasting techniques are critical to understand as you drive your business forwards

Locke’s Goal-setting Theory

Locke’s Goal-setting Theory suggests that specific and challenging goals lead to better performance.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Improve logistics – help your organisation better utilise production capacity.

Long Range Planning Horizon

Use long-range planning to give your managers the foresight to achieve ambitious visions and growth plans.

Long Tail

Similar to Pareto's 80/20 - approximately 80% spend will be covered by 20% of the suppliers and conversely 20% of the spend will be comprised of a long tail of suppliers - 80%. Whether you are a buyer or supplier you need to know how to manage this

Loosely-Coupled vs. Tightly-Coupled Supply Chain

Collaborating in a supply chain can create a competitive advantage through sharing information, making joint decisions, and sharing benefits

Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies

Improve your position in terms of MRO procurement - reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Management by Objectives

Help your employees hit their targets by setting the right goals and actions.

Management by Walking Around

If you wait for people to come to you, you’ll only get small problems. The big problems are where people don’t realise they have one in the first place

Managing Bring-Your-Own-Device Practice

Enterprising companies shouldn't ignore the benefits of BYOD, including more productive and satisfied workers, and cost savings on equipment and training.

Managing Open Innovation

Sometimes new ideas can come from outside of your business. Managing this can be a challenge yet offer huge potential

Market Penetration

Sell up to 80% more by getting to your customers more effectively

Market Positioning

Understand where the gaps are and make your product stand out from the crowd

Mass Customisation

Raise the bar for your customers by giving them unique product and service experiences.

Mass Production

Radically improve your efficiency and bring products to market even faster.

Material Requirements Planning

If your business is producing goods this is a must-know technique

Matrix Management

The world's best companies work seamlessly across departments, learn how to make your management the best it can be.

Maximising People ROI

People ROI (Return on Investment) refers to the measurable benefits an organisation receives from investing in its employees.

Mergers and Acquisitions

One of the fastest routes to expansion. Understand the motivations and what is involved

Monopolistic Competition

Find opportunities to control prices and enter and exit new markets easily.


Know how to cooperate with powerful businesses to win more business.


Learn how to cooperate with large businesses to grow your sales and win more business.

Monte Carlo Simulation

Multi-Channel Distribution Systems

Start reaching multiple markets and customer segments to really drive growth and profitability

Multidivisional Organisational Structure

New Product Development

Know when and how to develop new products to add to your portfolio and drive up revenue


Moving some operations to a different place can bring efficencies, cost savings and profitability


Compete or cooperate with large businesses to grow your sales and start winning more business and contracts.

Open Source Software

Open source software is often freely available, helping businesses to reduce costs and free-up capital to invest in other important growth areas.

Operations Management

Balance costs with revenue to achieve the highest net operating profit possible.

Operations Strategy Matrix

Make sure your strategic decisions about how your operations are going to work are the right ones based on sound principles

Organisation Development

Transform your business for maximum success - avoid becoming one of the 25-50% of firms that fail at OD projects.


Dramatically cut costs and increase efficiency and learn how to outsource effectively, safely and profitably.

Outsourcing in Procurement and Supply Chain

It is often better to let someone outside of your business manage something which is not your main strength so you can focus on growing your business

Outsourcing Innovation

Innovation is key to growth, outsourcing innovation can bring the ideas and expertise needed to kickstart new projects.

Paradigm and Paradigm Shifting

Phases of Change

Make your next business change the best one yet - don't be one of the 70% of companies that fail at change management.

Portfolio Management

Understand how to manage the portfolio of your business and make sure each one has the right strategy in place

Positive Risk Management

Take a positive approach to risk management and learn how to realise unexpected benefits and opportunities for your business.

Pricing Decisions

Get this wrong you will sell nothing, get it right you can thrive

Processual Approach to Change

Break through the "messy" process of change management - start getting the results you want.

Production Possibility Frontier

Use all your resources to maximum efficiency - produce even more products to expand your business.

Programme Evaluation and Review Technique

Learn the techniques for superior project management - complete projects faster and with better results.

Project Governance

Punctuated Equilibrium Model

Learn to see change as a positive - capitalise on every opportunity to grow, learn and generate profit.

Purchasing Consortium/Consortia

Consider purchasing consortium – increase buying power and ability to achieve low prices.

Purchasing Strategies

Have a clear plan for what you need to buy to make sure costs stay low and profitability is maximised

Resource-Based Strategy

Make use of what your business already has to either grow into new markets or increase profit in existing ones

Reverse Supply Chain / Reverse Logistics

Your business can often re-use materials and processes produced in the supply chain. Doing this well can lead to large cost savings and increased profitability


On occasions the ultimate best outcome is not possible, but it will still work in favour of your business

Scenario Planning

Prepare for different futures to be well best placed to capitalise

Security and Ethical Challenges of IT

Businesses are at significant risk of cyber attacks - implement the right policies and train your employees to protect your profits.

Shared Services

Cut costs and save time - learn how to be more efficient by sharing services

Shared Services Client-Advisor Relationships

To deliver greater value, focus on flexible partnership models responsive to changing business needs and more conducive to building trust.

Shared Services Innovation

Consider your innovation route map - recognise the value of applying innovative thinking to shared services implementation.

Shutdown Point

Avoid costly production shutdowns - keep your business going, keep your business growing.

Six Sigma

Understand how to match what your business is producing to your customers' needs


If you have a new idea for your business it can often be made to happen quicker if you set up a team that is "out of the business"

Social Media Management

Learn how social media can help grow your business, reach new customers, and boost sales and revenue

Sourcing and Procurement Industry Standards and Benchmarking

A key challenge of benchmarking is finding useful sources of comparison data – don’t feel constrained if competitor information is not available directly.

Sourcing and Shared Services Market Trends

Get ahead with the latest sourcing and shared services trends to outpace the competition and generate value for the bottom line.

Sourcing Governance Value

Communicate and cross-collaborate – create functional governance systems that are closely integrated to drive value.

Stakeholder Analysis and Management

Investors, shareholders and staff are all critical to your business. Manage them well and you will all succeed.

Standards and Policies in Procurement

Having clear policies for your business's purchasing will ensure anyone responsible for buying anything on behalf of the company does so properly and will save money in the long run

Strategic Alignment

Learn how to outperform the competition by matching your strategy and resources.

Strategic Alliance

Smart companies understand that growth comes from cooperation as much as competition - start building profitable relationships with other firms.

Strategic Business Units

If your business has different product or service lines you could make more money by treating them as separate business units which need their own strategic direction

Strategic Contingency

Manage power and politics so your company can perform at its best.

Strategic Groups

If your business is part of a strategic group it is essential to understand what the key drivers are, and how the other members are performing in order to get ahead

Strategic Intent

Don't assume that all your staff understand your strategy - help them understand the firm's ambitions and how to achieve success.

Strategic IT Acquisition

Save time and money by knowing when its right to develop versus buy IT solutions.

Strategic Planning

Getting your strategy right is quite simply the difference between making it and failing

Strategic Procurement

Make sure you are buying the things that fit with your strategy and not just buying as you need. This approach can save your business huge unnecessary costs

Strategy Map

Strategy maps are essential roadmaps to achieving growth and profits and to understand all your options and get ahead.

Structure-Conduct-Performance Model

Successful Project Management

Running your business well involves many simultaneous projects - manage them effectively and ensure your business succeeds

Succession Planning

Make sure you have the right talent ready to step up and lead your business when your best people leave.

Supply Chain Integration

Speaking to all of your suppliers regularly may open up collaboration opportunities which can save you money and maybe even open up new money making ventures

Supply Chain Network Design

If your business has many suppliers it is crucial to understand their inter-reliance and the timing impact so you can manage it

Supply Chain Operations Reference Model

How does your business measure up against some of the larger firms out there in terms of managing suppliers?

Supply Chain Performance Measures

Improve supply chain performance – chose the right indicators and make sure it is properly measured.

Supply Chain Risk Management

Is you business reliant on 1 or 2 suppliers? Do you have a back up plan in case any of them don't deliver their end of the bargain?

Supply Chain Security Management

DO you know all of your suppliers, and how secure are your processes? This is your business's money being spent after all

Survivorship Bias

Survivorship bias is the focus on survivors instead of a broader context that includes those that did not survive. It appears in many arenas: athletics, business, entertainment. For every success, there are others who did not succeed. To properly judge success we must also view failure. Lacking this broader context, we make less-informed decisions.

Sustainable Procurement

As your business grows, understand how to make your buying practices sustainable

Sustainable Supply Chain

Systems Thinking

Train your managers and employees in systems thinking - help them see the bigger picture to really drive results and profitability.

T-Shaped People

Tactical vs. Strategic Purchasing

Do you have a clear plan for what your business is buying and why? If you do this right you could save 20% or more on spend

The Golden Thread

Having a clear strategic direction is essential to maximise performance. The concept offers a review of the Golden Thread model, explaining how it can be applied within an organisation and highlighting some of its strengths and weaknesses.

The Halo Effect

Don't make costly hiring mistakes that could hit your bottom line.

The Importance of the Business Case

To many the business case is merely bureaucratic overreach which, when created and approved, is discarded never to be looked at again. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead, the business case should be seen as vital as it justifies the investment in a project and provides the rationale for why it should be undertaken.

The McKinsey 7S Model

The McKinsey 7S model, developed in the 1980s by consultants Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, is a widely used strategic planning tool.

Theory of Constraints

Uncover the weakest links in your production processes - make more profit by being more efficient

Third-Party Marketplaces

There might be a cheaper way to find your components or mass-sell your products via market places. Understand how they work

Time Management

The concept explains what time management is and provides a number of examples and techniques to better organise, plan and control time to enhance effectiveness. It also considers the influence of environmental factors in affecting how we use time and suggests useful tools to overcome time pressure. A number of case studies support the idea that time management has a positive impact on performance and effectiveness. Some limitations and drawbacks are also considered, focusing on the difficulty of measuring time management success factors and skills. The concept also provides an overview of how to use Covey’s Time Management Matrix to prioritise tasks in urgent and non-urgent.

Time Series Models

Business success depends on making more accurate forecasts - stay ahead of the curve with time series modelling

Time to Market

If you are too slow to market you could lose 33% profitability. Understand the steps involved and get it right to maximise profit

Total Cost of Ownership

The total cost of your goods or services are more than just the production costs. Make sure you understand this before setting your price and you could see profitability soar

Total Quality Management

Deliver the best quality you can and your business can succeed

Traditional / Open Loop / Forward Supply Chain

Have a solid understanding of the steps involved in the supply chain and work out which is best for your business

Transactional Leadership

The world's best companies know how to set goals and reward employees - learn how to lead to hit and exceed targets.

Triple Bottom Line

As your business grows, understand the measures that large organisations are judged on

Types of Innovations

Increase your profits by entering new markets, developing new products and overhauling your business processes.

Ulrich Model

HR can add more value: Increase profits and performance, while reducing operating costs.

Understanding Supply Markets and Competition

Understanding where price changes to your raw materials might come from will help you to stay ahead of the competition

User vs Manufacturer Innovation

Users can help you spot your next profit-boosting innovation.

Value Based Pricing

What is the real value add of your business and how much can you charge your customers

Value Chain

Know which areas of your business will set you apart from your competition and use it to sell to get ahead

Value Chain Management

Being able to manage the value chain well will help deliver bottom line performance

Variance Analysis

Train your managers in understanding present costs and learn how to control future costs.

Venture Capital

For start ups still one of the most widely used methods of raising early funding, but can be expensive. Key to understand fully

Virtual Integration

Use technology to bind together a dispersed network of suppliers- facilitate significant growth in information exchange.

Virtual Organisations

How to manage your staff if they are on the road or working from home

Workforce Planning Model

Workforce planning is a core business process that aligns organisational needs with people strategy. It is a highly effective activity that can be adapted to any organisation's size and maturity.

Working from Home

The concept provides a definition of working from home (WFH) and explores not only its key benefits and measures of success, but also the challenges that employees and employers can encounter when working remotely and ways to overcome them.

Yield Management

Sell the right product to the right customer at the right time and price. Ensure maximum profit.

Zero-based Budgeting

Drive your managers to find cost effective ways to improve operations and reduce wasteful expenditure.