
This concept provides an explanation of what e-Commerce is, how it can be applied and managed, and how companies can assess its major opportunities, limitations, issues, and risks. It concept also offers practical case evidence and additional resources.

Technique Overview


e-Commerce Definition

e-Commerce refers to the technology-mediated exchanges and transactions between parties, as well as to the electronically based intra- or inter-organisational activities that facilitate such exchanges (Rayport and Jaworski, 2003). It is generally considered a subcategory of e-Business (Jelassi and Enders, 2004; Timmers, 2005) and sometimes the two terms are used interchangeably (CIPS: Electronic Commerce and e-Business).

e-Commerce Description *

* The full technique overview will be available soon. Contact us to register your interest in our business management platform, and learn all about e-Commerce.

Business Evidence

Strengths, weaknesses and examples of e-Commerce *

* The business evidence section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business Evidence.

Business Application

Implementation, success factors and measures of e-Commerce *

* The business application section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business application.

Professional Tools

e-Commerce videos and downloads *

* The professional tools section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the professional tools.

Further Reading

e-Commerce web and print resources *

e-Commerce references (4 of up to 20) *

  • Brynjolfsson, E., Hu, Y. and Smith, M.D. (2006) From Niches to Riches: The Anatomy of the Long Tail. Sloan Management Review, Vol. 47(4), pp. 67-71.
  • BusinessLink (2011) E-Commerce. Gov.uk Web Portal. [online] Available at: www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/layer?topicId=1073866263 [Accessed 20 November 2011].
  • Curran, K., McCartney, D. and Elder, K. (2006) The Power of Long Tail. Journal of Information Technology Impact, Vol. 6(3), pp. 129-134.
  • Evans, B. (2014) Why Amazon Has No Profits (And Why It Works). Retrieved at: http://ben-evans.com

* The further reading section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the further reading.

Learn more about KnowledgeBrief Manage and how you can equip yourself with the knowledge to succeed on e-Commerce and hundreds of other essential business management techniques

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