Emotional Intelligence

High levels of emotional intelligence benefit individuals in any occupational field. The concept describes three types of model that help us to understand the notion of Emotional intelligence and reviews a wide range of benefits, weaknesses and key success factors.

Technique Overview

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Definition

Emotional intelligence is seen as a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). For instance, the ability to recognise accurately what another person is feeling enables one to develop a specific competency such as Influence.

Emotional Intelligence Description *

* The full technique overview will be available soon. Contact us to register your interest in our business management platform, and learn all about Emotional Intelligence.

Business Evidence

Strengths, weaknesses and examples of Emotional Intelligence *

* The business evidence section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business Evidence.

Business Application

Implementation, success factors and measures of Emotional Intelligence *

* The business application section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business application.

Professional Tools

Emotional Intelligence videos and downloads *

* The professional tools section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the professional tools.

Further Reading

Emotional Intelligence web and print resources *

Emotional Intelligence references (4 of up to 20) *

  • Antonakis, J. (2004) 'On Why "Emotional Intelligence" Will Not Predict Leadership Effectiveness Beyond IQ or the "Big Five": An Extension and Rejoinder'. Organizational Analysis, 12(2), 171-182.
  • Barbey, A. K.; Colom, R.; Grafman, J. (2012). "Distributed neural system for emotional intelligence revealed by lesion mapping". Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 9
  • Bar-On, R. (2005) 'The Bar-On Model of Emotional-Social Intelligence'. In P. Fernández-Berrocal and N. Extremera (Guest Editors), Special Issue on Emotional Intelligence. Psicothema, 17.
  • Cavazotte, Flavia; Moreno, Valter; Hickmann, Mateus (2012). "Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance". The Leadership Quarterly. 23 (3): 443–455

* The further reading section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the further reading.

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