Brand Loyalty

Companies will often use different marketing strategies, such as reward programmes, to cultivate loyal customers. The concept reviews the notion of brand loyalty and its importance for organisations.

Technique Overview

Brand Loyalty

Brand Loyalty Definition

Brand loyalty can be defined as the extent of consumer faithfulness towards a specific brand and this faithfulness is expressed through repeat purchases and other positive behaviours such as word of mouth advocacy, irrespective of the marketing pressures generated by the other competing brands (Kotler & Keller, 2006; Kotler, et al., 2008). Brand loyalty may exist when a consumer is unwilling to switch from a brand that he or she is familiar with.

Brand Loyalty Description *

* The full technique overview will be available soon. Contact us to register your interest in our business management platform, and learn all about Brand Loyalty.

Business Evidence

Strengths, weaknesses and examples of Brand Loyalty *

* The business evidence section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business Evidence.

Business Application

Implementation, success factors and measures of Brand Loyalty *

* The business application section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business application.

Professional Tools

Brand Loyalty videos and downloads *

* The professional tools section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the professional tools.

Further Reading

Brand Loyalty web and print resources *

Brand Loyalty references (4 of up to 20) *

  • Bennett, R. and Rundle-Thiele, S. (2005) 'The Brand Loyalty Life Cycle: Implications for Marketers', Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 12, pp. 250– 263
  • Bouchenoire, J.L. (2005) In Pursuit of Brand Loyalty. [Online], available at:
  • Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2003) Principles of Marketing. 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, UK.
  • Casalo, L. Flavia´n, C. and Guinalı´u, M. (2007) 'The Impact of Participation in Virtual Brand Communities on Consumer Trust and Loyalty: The Case of Free Software' Online Information Review, Vol. 31, pp. 775– 792.

* The further reading section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the further reading.

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