Accounting Distortions
All firms need a good understanding of the deliberate and non-deliberate processes that lead to accounting distortions. This concept explains how these distortions arise along with their effects and presents case studies of firms that have experienced accounting distortions, as well as success factors and measures for avoiding distortions.
Technique Overview
Accounting Distortions Definition
The term ‘accounting distortions’ refers to any kind of deviation and divergence between information reported by financial statements and the reality of the business (Gandevani, 2010). It is the process of using accounting alternatives (usually unintended alternatives within the accounting standard) inconsistently to increase or decrease the flow of items through the income statement (usually by affecting the timing of the flows) in order to increase or decrease reported profit for a specific period (Tosen, 2006).
Accounting Distortions Description *
* The full technique overview will be available soon. Contact us to register your interest in our business management platform, and learn all about Accounting Distortions.
Business Evidence
Strengths, weaknesses and examples of Accounting Distortions *
* The business evidence section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business Evidence.
Business Application
Implementation, success factors and measures of Accounting Distortions *
* The business application section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the Business application.
Professional Tools
Accounting Distortions videos and downloads *
* The professional tools section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the professional tools.
Further Reading
Accounting Distortions web and print resources *
Accounting Distortions references (4 of up to 20) *
- Bushman, R. M., and Indjejikian, R. J. (1993) Stewardship value of “distorted” accounting disclosure. The Accounting Review, Vol.68(4), pp. 765-782.
- Catalano, V. (2006) Sectors and styles: a new approach to outperforming the market. Wiley Publications, USA.
- Elmaleh, M. S. (2005) Financial accounting: a mercifully brief introduction. Epiphany Communications, MD, USA.
- Erickson, M., Hanlon, M., Maydew, E. (2006) Is there a link between executive equity incentives and accounting fraud? Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.44(1), pp.113-143.
* The further reading section is for premium members only. Please contact us about accessing the further reading.
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